JHB Newsletter


Airline News


Routes to Fly

Although most assignments are now flown online I have retained the JHB Route Pack pages for those interested in a fixed assignment list.

Included in this page is a new UK VFR Tour featuring flights around 100 England and Wales airports. Total distance is about 4800nm so it would take some time to complete. Included in the list are notes on each route and any controlled or restricted airspaces that need avoiding - primarily for users who wish to try the tour on VATSIM or IVAO.

Rogues Gallery

The Rogue's Gallery is building up very nicely - many thanks to Alastair for the idea and to everyone who has contributed. You can see the page at JHB Rogue's Gallery.

Forum Signature files

Mike Brook has kindly provided us all with images that can be used in forum signatures. These can be used with any forums (like AVSIM) that allow pictures to be embedded in the signature file. The pictures look like this:

For use in a forum signature you just go to your Profile section and add the code to the signature block. In my Sig box I have entered:



and this appears in forum posts as:



For your own signature add what plain text you want and then copy the [IMG] line in green above into your Sig box. Replace the JHB007 part with your own callsign.


Over the years the JHB crews have asked me lots of questions about flying procedures and some of the emails I fired off were essentially quite detailed tutorials. I never kept copies of these - but some of my pilots did - and it is well worth giving them a second airing. Some of the articles describe ATC procedures, some cover Met or Navigation and some are about aircraft handling.

I have bundled all the articles into one web page at JHB Tutorials. It is a very long page and not completely edited yet - only a few are as yet mentioned in the main index. All articles at least have a title and I am sure if you browse through the page you may find something of interest to read.

Peter Dodds has reminded me that he has a web site up at http://www.cixvfrclub.org.uk which may have some material of interest to JHB pilots. Like myself Peter has written several tutorials for FS pilots and will be adding to these over time. Worth keeping a watch on..

John Woodside HC JHB