with mesh
screenshot below shows the default FS coastline at Douglas Head. Note
the lighthouse in the water which is correctly placed and should be at
the tip of Douglas Head - an indication of how wrong the default coastline
terrain used is the LAGO TerraMesh for England and Wales. Not bad but
later SRTM meshes are a lot better.
reworking the coastline with CoastLineMaker the picture looks better:
obvious problem in the above shot is that although the land now looks
like the true IoM coastline the mesh has remained unchanged. Let us see
the same shot but with the VFGM photo scenery now active.
it is apparent that the mesh is not correct. It should be - most meshes
are correctly set to WGS84 datum - but it has not altered from that in
the original FS scenery. The solution was found when I turned off the
NWEurope scenery area:
mesh is now perfectly accurate so the problem lies back in FS. In fact,
despite revising the coastline, you will see that the default coastline
in FS is still partly active and has an unwanted attribute - it truncates
any mesh. Any mesh extending past the default FS coastline is, effectively,
"chopped off" and will not flow to cover the added coast I have
built. Unfortunately this also means that all revised coastlines extending
seaward of the default coastline are similarly affected.
Water Mask files
investigation showed that the coastline data is found in the HYP prefixed
BGL files. For the IoM coastline this is:
can disabling these BGL files to make the revised coastline work but it
is not ideal. HYP544252.BGL covers a large area and switching it off affects
all the UK coastline in a horizontal band from Llanbedr right up to Edinburgh.
Turning it off gives a lovely IoM coastline but the rest of the UK coast
disappears! Daft but this is how MS built FS scenery - putting down huge
blocks of land and then trimming these off by defining a coastline that
automatically sets one side to land and the other to sea.
rebuilding the coastline does not inhibit the mesh truncation properties
of the default FS coastline. I have not yet found a solution for this
although it may be possible to disable the code in the HYP file. I am
looking into this.