FS2004 Scenery






GMax Scenery

GMax is the prime tool for aircraft and ground object creation in FS. For the latter it can be used to make absolutely anything - from a runway marker board to a city. The level of detail is truly only limited by the users patience and the frame rate effect on FS.

GMax installation

GMax does not install correctly when you run it from the FS2002 CD's.

Follow the link above for a tutorial on correct installation.

GMax Basic Tutorial

Having got GMax setup to work properly I recommend running through the house tutorial that MS supplied with the GMax files - look for gmaxSceneryDesign.doc in your GMax folders. Don't go beyond the construction section onto the texturing as there are better FS texturing tutorials online.

There are a few tools that the house tutorial does not mention but which are extremely powerful. This tutorial shows you the basics of the Move, Rotate and Scale buttons as applied to whole objects or sections of objects.